The Great Deception Series

Part 2

Setting the Stage

On July 31, 2018, I left the US to visit my girlfriend in China. My plan was to visit for 60 days and return.  Travel and world events changed that plan. The China Wuhan Virus was unleashed in late 2019 . China went into a countrywide lockdown almost immediately. My April, 2020 return to the United States had to be cancelled.

Now, over three years later, I remain in China, facing changing travel requirements. restrictions and other barriers. Living in the People republic of China presents some challenges when it comes to getting news relating to America. The Chinese news industry is strictly controlled and edited by the Chinese Communist Party, so what little American news available is highly biased. 

Without a VPN (virtual private network), I was unable to view Facebook, and Twitter and many other online media sites. My gmail email account was blocked.  The Great Firewall of China is aptly named. However, I was able to get Yahoo News, Bing News and MSN news articles. Eventually, I found alternative news sources. In 2021, there was an explosion in news sources as main stream media, (MSM) Twitter, Facebook, then others began to censor viewpoints or news that was contrary to the narrative it was promoting. Parler, a fast growing social media site lost its hosting service because Amazon Web services deemed Parler was too conservative. Months later Parler, under new leadership, reappeared with new policies aligned with Big Tech censorship. Youtube, Instagram and, more recently, LinkedIn have joined the Big Tech assault on free speech. Some of the new social media companies and news media like, NewsMax, and Gettr are beginning to censor conservative content.

Today, the censorship of American citizens First Amendment rights are routinely violated.  The censorship doesn't stop with a simple refusal to allow or print other views. Intimidation, loss of careers and jobs are common. Public ridicule and shame are surrounded by lies and other falsehoods to cast doubt and mistrust  about one's character, reputation and ethics. Some are accompanied by baseless lawsuits, apparently designed to silence adversaries. All of this is being done as the real criminals commit all types of evil acts and the justice system seemingly turns a blind eye.

My goal is to jump-start your desire to know more and that will trigger additional questions you will want to research to find answers. The critical thinking skills you have now will need to be employed full time and sharpened so you can discern truth from fiction.

So, here we are. I will speak truth until I am silenced.

		Joseph Pugh

The gloves are coming off in this series of articles. No longer can I simply read and hear about all the so-called “news” being pushed onto the public without standing in the gap. 

This year I write about what I have learned in my silence. It isn't pretty. Some of it is sickening. There isn't much that looks or sounds good to a patriotic, constitutional loving Americans. In 2020, I considered myself as a person who could divide fact from fiction in most walks and acts of life. That confidence was shattered by the presidential election of November, 2020. Did I say presidential election? Now, I can see how easy it is to be deceived. Buying into the narrative that the presidential election was about the will of the voters is an easy pill too swallow if you get your news from the 'Mockingbird Media". 

That nationwide constitutional mandated election and the aftermath sent me into a search for real, American loving patriots. Did I find them? That is to be determined. I found more evil-doing than my mind was ready to process. From voter fraud, pedophilia in high office,treasonous graft and greed, espionage, subversion, spying, censorship, mass murder, mass public formation (hypnosis) and the revealing of an evil axis of power so great only God can destroy it. 

I will be writing about all these things and more this year. At least until I am censored or removed in some way. Some of what I will write will strike you as unbelievable. I understand. I have gone through all the stages of denial but the truth is the truth, whether we accept it or not.  Aliens?  UFO's? Really? The federal government has finally admitted what many have believed for decades. Yes, there are aliens among us says our government. Or, is this a deception?  I have read there are several alien species, some work for us and others against us.

What about the New World Order a/k/a the Great Reset? Is this real or a lie? Is COVID a bio-weapon? Is Bill Gates a good guy billionaire just trying to make the world a better place? Depends which side of the issue you are on, right? Or where you get your news?

Is the CIA and/or the FBI doing their jobs like most Americans think? They are doing their job as they are instructed. Does that answer your question? If not, good, because you are doing what you should as a citizen. And what is that? Thinking, researching, digging for the truth so you can hold wrong doers accountable. you must research on your own. As Thomas Jefferson once said inform your decisions and don't adopt others opinions because it tickles your ears.

Do you believe the powers that be have been sitting on a cure for cancer for many decades? Do you think Big Pharma manufactured a fake COVID scheme so they could make billions of profits? Or that they would make vaccines that are designed to kill billions of people? Do you think the industrial automotive complex has buried technology  that can produce 100 mpg carburetors? Do you think digital currencies like Bitcoin and others are actually safe from  federal control and manipulation? Or is it a CIA money making scheme? If you aren't sure, I encourage you to do your own research.

Are there deep underground military bases  (DUMBS) and tunnels all over the world? 
Have you heard about Med-Beds, where you can get in one very sick and come out healthy. And add 30-40 years to your life expectancy?

What about those aliens? Are they helping us or not? Are they giving us advanced technologies and weapons or aircraft? Are you beginning to read news reports or articles about airline pilots reporting encounters with unidentified aircraft with out of this world speed and maneuverability? Didn't one of our Air Force Generals tell us that they have the capability to almost time travel? 

Or, perhaps you have read about the worldwide pedophile ring that is rumored to be ruled and managed by Queen Elizabeth and her inner circle that includes the Pope, the Rothschild's, the WEF, and others? Even China has been implicated. Or, is China, Russia and the US working to take-down the Globalist regime?

Will China attack Taiwan and trigger a nuclear war with the United States?

The legacy media (main stream media) are now beginning to prime Americans for a military coup in 2024.

Has our own government been secretly taken over by the Globalist elites? Is Joe Biden just a puppet, playing his role? Who is the master behind the curtain? Is it Obama? Susan Rice? Bill and Hillary? 

Does our Congress seem to be acting as Democrats and Republicans and Independents? Or have they made so many back room deals, agreements and partnerships that it is impossible to tell who is what? Uniparty has become popular in describing our Congressional delegation.

The Supreme Court? Have they been compromised or intimidated? Justice John Roberts has written about his concerns on this topic.  What happened to the so-called conservative leaning judges going rogue and voting with the liberals? Did these appointees deceive Congress?

Have you ever witnessed, in your lifetime, the amount of coercion, and force being used against American citizens to act and respond in a certain way? 

What about the vaccine mandates? Are they enforceable by law or by force?  The vaccine injury statistics? Are they reliable?

Is America undergoing a Great Rewakening? If so, where is the Church? The Shepherds? There are thousands, if not more, social influencers acting and talking like Christians, but are they? We have been told we are in the midst of a spiritual war in heavenly places. Doesn't the Bible tell us that Satan and his fallen angels, demons and supporters do his bidding on earth? Are these aliens really just supernatural beings released by the Devil? 

Are we already in the Tribulation period? 

The Coup was November 3, 2020. Now the ruling party is in the process of implementing their plans, firming up their control and command structure and eliminating the opposition.

Am I saying the United States of America no longer exists?  The answer depends on context and which side you line up with. It certainly is no longer a Constitutional Republic except in name only. The foundations have been undermined, destroyed, disregarded, degraded and canceled. 

Perhaps 2022 will be the year that the Great Reset will usher in the New World Order government and the Great Deception will be complete.


By Joseph Lee Pugh

Retired insurance agency owner. Former contributing editor to a national trade magazine.