The Salvation Army goes WOKE

When I was a young boy aged ten or eleven, I played at The Salvation Army (TSA) post in Vicksburg. At the time, it was headquartered in an old Civil War era home. The yards, front, back, sides were small. I remember a basketball goal in the back yard. We neighborhood kids enjoyed playing hoops and exploring the the big home for the homeless. Often, we were invited to share lunch with the men whom were relying on a safe, dry place to sleep and get a meal. The grand ole home even had a chapel that we visited from time to time. Over the few short years I was in that part of town, I recall the TSA officers celebrating certain religious holidays by inviting the community to come enjoy food, fun and worship services. It was so exciting for kids like me—food, activities and fun. We rarely stayed for the sermons. The outside was just too much temptation. The memories are sweet and nostalgic.

That was in the 1950s.

Over the decades since, I have supported The Salvation Army (TSA) with donations and person to person promotion. Many years, I volunteered to ring the bell at Christmas for The Salvation Army and many other support activities. During Hurricane Katrina in 2005, I encouraged people to support the Salvation Army with donations of food, clothing and money. My respect for the TSA only grew stronger after seeing how the Christian based organization responded to the needs of people affected by the deadly, destructive storm. I was a TSA cheerleader.

That was 2005

This is 2021.

On or about November 24, 2021, TSA publicly asked their white donors, employees, and supporters to apologize and repent for their racism. The TSA’s Alexandria based leaders created an International Social Justice Commission that has and will continue to devote resources to educate white folks.

One such resource is a pamphlet entitled “Let’s Talk about Racism”. This misguided tool essentially says Christianity is institutionally racist. What an insult to God. In a companion propaganda resource called “Study Guide on Racism” the authors claim all whites are racist, even when they don’t realize it or know it. Has the TSA become Omniscient? Seriously, this white guy has to ask “Do they really understand what they are saying and doing? “ In reality, the leaders know exactly what they are doing and why.

In this attack on white people the writers went on to say this:

“Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin,” one lesson explains. “There is an urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes and practices in light of our faith, and to live faithfully in today’s world.”

William Booth preaching at a London tent meeting.

From its founding in 1865 by William Booth until this year, The Salvation Army taught the gospel of Jesus Christ. Now they are teaching the social gospel of the ruler of this world.

This type of rhetoric is based on tactics and strategies the Communists and Globalist New World Order (NWO) supporters have used for over a century. Marx wrote about communism in 1848, and subsequent adherents have successfully employed new narratives, hijacked meanings of words, phrases and terms and deceptively taken over important roles in education, media, government, politics and all facets of our country’s operation, money supply, health institutions, and business, etc. Intimidation. Bribery. Financial enrichment. Blackmail. These and more are used to recruit and control and grow their power and reach. Even the Church has been infected.

It seems the biggest weapon today is playing the race card by ginning up division by class, mainly all other races versus white people. Critical Race Theory and Social Justice are the primary propaganda tools used to push their (NWO) revolution. Marx advanced three phases to achieve his goal of utopia on earth. Phase One was to overthrow the existing government, violently if necessary. He made it clear that the total destruction of the existing system must be completed before the second phase began. Make no mistake about it. If not stopped soon, there will be a bloody uprising in the United States.

This is now.

Newsmax reported “Americans last year gave more charitable donations to the United Way Worldwide and The Salvation Army than to any other nonprofit focusing on direct aid, The Associated Press reported. The Salvation Army raised $1.8 billion in 2020, an increase of 31% from the previous year. “

I will end my decades old acquaintance with them. I will stop any donations and efforts for them and on their behalf.

In a Todd Starnes broadcast on Newsmax dated November 26, 2021, this gentleman said it much better than myself:

“I have been a faithful supporter of The Salvation Army for many years. My parents were supporters when they were alive, and they passed that down to me and my siblings. It was always a joy to see the red kettles around the holidays, as well as to hear of the efforts of TSA in helping the poor and those affected by disasters,” Richard N. Nakano wrote in an email to author and Salvation Army critic Kenny Xu, Newsweek reported.

“Now I have noticed TSA has taken a turn to the far left politically, championing and virtue signaling such ‘woke’ policies as LGBTQ ‘rights’ and CRT. I am very disappointed the TSA has turned away from its Christ-centered mission, and is now embracing such un-Christian, world-centered views.”

Can the Salvation Army repent and be saved? This writer believes TSA has hitched its team to the NWO wagon. I will not support my enemies. Hopefully white donors, other right-thinkers and volunteers will see through this ruse and deceit and end all support. The Salvation Army is just another institution that has been taken over by the church of what’s happening now. The soul of TSA, its leadership, has a terminal illness. They destroyed their Christian foundation and became like a house built upon sand.

The Wise and Foolish Builders – Matthew 7:24-27 NIV version

24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

So be it.


By Joseph Lee Pugh

Retired insurance agency owner. Former contributing editor to a national trade magazine.